Dendy's diary
Here i am, friends. Making this blog to share and to keep you updated from my life progress. i will share everything that i need to share, such as my life experiences, my English classroom materials, my favorite TV show, and everything. and mostly i will use English language in my blog not to show off but i want my friends from all over the world understand what i write. Ok. Have a good life everyone! Enjoy!
27 Februari 2011
Monday Morning Rains
19 Agustus 2010
Pronoun "HE' for animals??
e.g. My aunt is very intelligent. She has a degree in Philosophy.
His brother was not there, because he had to work late.
Your dog is well trained. He is a good guard dog.
In the first two examples, "he" and "she" are used to refer to human beings. In the third example, "he" is used to refer to an animal.
If a third person singular antecedent does not refer to a human being, the pronoun "it" is usually used. However, when the thing named by the antecedent is referred to as if it had human qualities, the pronoun "he" or "she" may be used. For instance, ships and countries are sometimes referred to as "she".
e.g. There is a robin on the lawn. It has a nest in that tree.
This is a good book. It is interesting and well-written.
The Bonnie Belle is a sailing ship. She is very seaworthy.
In the first two examples, it is used to refer to things which are not human. In the third example, she is used to refer to a thing which is not human.
Ships and countries [Source : Wikipedia]
.... "Traditionally ships have been referred to using the feminine pronouns (even ships named after men, such as the USS Abraham Lincoln), as well as countries and oceans. The origins of this practice are not certain, and it is currently in decline (though more common for ships, particularly in nautical usage, than for countries). In modern English, it can be said that the use of the pronoun "she" to refer to inanimate objects is an optional figure of speech........"
19 Juli 2010
Tayangan Kick Andy yang memberikan Inspirasi.
18 Juli 2010
17 Juli 2010
What should be the questions?

Creative is easy
Dari sudut pandang keilmuan, hasil dari pemikiran kreatif (kadang disebut pemikiran divergen) biasanya dianggap memiliki keaslian dan kepantasan. Sebagai alternatif, konsepsi sehari-hari" (
seperti yang telah saya bahas tadi, jelaslah bahwa kreatif itu timbul bukan dari hasil 'bertapa' dan 'termenung' namun mental kreatif itu timbul dari pembelajaran karena terjadinya hubungan antara konsep baru dengan konsep lama yang sudah ada sehingga mampu menciptakan sesuatu yang baru (hasil dari penggabungan ke-2 konsep tersebut diatas).
so, menjadi kreatif itu mudahkan? kuncinya adalah terus belajar, terus membaca dan terus berlatih. mungkin itu saja yang saya sampaikan pada kesempatan kali ini. semoga kedepannya nanti kita bisa berdiskusi lebih banyak lagi mengenai motivasi, bahasa Inggris, d el el. :)