☻ ☻ ☻ Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny. ☻ ☻ ☻

27 Februari 2011

Monday Morning Rains

What a day! just start this day with the falling rain. this makes me a bit lazy to work, but i have to. I get a thousand unfinished work that needs to be done immediately and it really drives me crazy! the feeling that i have to day is not really good. I am so empty because i miss my family in Bandung. I think it will be great to stay close to them, My son and wife.
Huh....I wish I could write more!


1 komentar:

  1. u can see them everyday if u stay at Bandung.. that's next year, right?

    if u not busy, visit my blog ya Mr.. :D

    maap kalo inggrisnya belepotan..hehe
